Why Have a Wedding Videographer?

“I already have a wedding photographer, why should I get a wedding videographer?” We know that planning for a wedding involves a lot of decision making, expenses, and sometimes stress. Trust us! We’re planning one right now. Wedding photography is a very important investment for your big day and videography can seem like an unnecessary additional cost. However, we’re here to tell you that professional wedding videography is just as important as  photography for preserving the memory of your wedding–and we’re not just saying that because we’re biased. Just doing some research around the Internet, we found that there are a lot of couples who want to know if the wedding videographer is worth it. More times than not,  they regret the decision of cutting the videographer out. For example, one user from The Knot said “The only regret I have about our wedding is not having a videographer. The day goes by so quickly — you really miss so much of it. I look back now and wish I would have spent the money for it.” We believe that you don’t have to pay an arm and a leg for a great quality video that will bring you right back to your wedding day for decades to come. So, we’ve compiled some reasons that you should consider a wedding videographer:

  1.  Your uncle can do it…but, maybe shouldn’t: there is a good chance that your uncle or other relative has a video camera that certainly could capture your wedding–but what happens when you want it to be a high quality end result with clear audio and HD picture? The chances are good that you’ll be stuck with shaky raw footage that you won’t want to ever see again.
  2. Forget the regret: several years down the road, you’ll be happy you made the investment with a videographer. It may seem like a hefty investment at the time but you’ll be cherishing your decision to capture your wedding in video for years to come.
  3. A picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a million: a video evokes emotion like no photo can. You can hear it, you can feel it, you can relive it. You won’t remember the words from your best man’s speech in a picture.
  4. Get what you want: hiring a professional gives you the opportunity and right to boss someone around to get the final result that you’re looking for. That’s much harder to do with a relative.
  5. It might be in the budget: typically, wedding videography will be traded out for additional flowers or decorations. Analyzing your wedding budget may reveal some areas that you could cut back to make some room for an investment in wedding video.

We’re certainly not saying that wedding videography is for everyone–it is an investment and it is additional decision making. But, we promise you won’t regret the decision. Contact us today.

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